Final Shows

So after a huge first year, and a very stop start second, we have decided that May 14th will be our final Folk Club, for now.

I am moving overseas in June to focus on managing my acts international careers, and while it seems obvious to just get others to run the show and keep it alive, it just isn’t taking shape.

I’m not convinced we can do the best job for the artists/venue/audience and in the end, half the reason for running these events for me is to be connected to a community of musicians and music lovers. The other half is to run the best live event for musicians and audience members, and neither seem feasible without putting a lot of time and energy into it.

So we’ll put the banner in the cupboard for now, and when we feel like we’re ready to absolutely smash it again, we’ll be back. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has come out and support us since the first shows in April 2014.

That does leave 2 final shows at the Bakehouse on April 16 and May 14. Both are fantastic line ups, with Michael Waugh releasing his beautiful new record this Saturday with special guests Mandy Connell, Matt Glass & Gretta Ziller, and James Kenyon releasing his new single for our final show, alongside rising WA star Davey Craddock and one of Port Fairy Folk Festival’s stand out acts, The Grand Magoozi.

We would love to see everyone who has been part of the Folk Club to date to come out for these final shows.

Al & TMFC team